5 Signs You Should Replace Your AC in Titusville, FL Before Summer

The average lifespan of central air conditioners is 15 to 20 years. While AC systems can last longer than this, some will fail much sooner. To avoid cooling emergencies, check for these five signs that it’s time to replace the AC system in your Titusville, FL, home:

Decreased Efficiency

All HVAC equipment loses efficiency over time. In fact, many heaters and AC systems have lost nearly half of their efficiency after about 10 years of service. If your summertime energy bills are on the rise and you haven’t made major building or household changes, it may be time to replace your air conditioner.

Poor Airflow and Insufficient Cooling

Aging air conditioners work both longer and harder to create the temperatures that residents want. In large part, this is what accounts for higher summertime energy bills. However, in aging AC systems, decreased efficiency is commonly paired with decreased performance due to the tough, tacky buildup of debris and worn components.

Although annual AC maintenance eliminates most airflow obstructions and allows HVAC service technicians to replace damaged parts, it doesn’t completely reverse aging. If your older air conditioner blows lukewarm air or doesn’t get cool air to all rooms, it’s probably at the end of its lifespan.

Frequent Air Conditioning Repairs

You shouldn’t have to pay for one or more AC repairs every cooling season. Total up your repair costs for the last three years. Considering that air conditioners are likely to experience the majority of their problems within the last few years of their service lives, it may be cheaper to get a new AC installation now.

Loud Noises and Strange Odors

Many new AC systems offer whisper-quiet operation. If you’re tired of having banging, clanging, humming or whirring sounds drowning out your television or quiet conversations, now’s a great time to get one. You should also think about replacing your AC system if turning it on fills your home with rank, musty odors.

Poor Humidity Control

Age-related buildups and airflow troubles can also affect an air conditioner’s humidity regulation. Having service technicians install a new AC system will keep your living space from feeling clammy, muggy or outright oppressive.

We help homeowners in Titusville, FL, optimize their home comfort and save money. If you need AC installation services, call Riverside Cooling Inc. today.

Image provided by iStock

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